Henning-Showkeir & Associates
what we are committed to:
  • building the capacity of clients to succeed in their marketplace by achieving the results critical to their survival and prosperity.

  • offering clients innovative and powerful technologies that increase the competence of individuals and the organizations to realize the economic and social possibilities they define and pursue.

  • collaborating with clients in every phase of our work.

  • making explicit to clients our point of view about the use of our expertise and identifying alternative choices.

  • telling clients the truth when our expertise is not relevant to the issues they are facing and directing them toward other more valuable resources.

  • raising with goodwill the difficult issues that arise in the course of working with clients.

  • backing our work with a promise and a guarantee.

what we believe about work and change:

  • highly successful organizations are able to integrate the pursuit of profit with the creation of meaningful work.

  • the distribution of power -- literacy, choice and access to resources -- throughout organizations has unrealized potential to contribute to prosperity and accomplishment.

  • future business success will be determined by the ability of organizations to successfully apply new knowledge in creating unique products, services and processes.

  • successful organizational performance and change requires passion and a deep sense of accountability for the whole business from everyone.

  • developing the capacity of the individual is the basis for outstanding organizational performance.

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james showkeir
joel henning
advanced consulting skills
reinventing human resources
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