- ask the critical questions you want to ask
- make quick response easy
- get fast feedback
- distribute the results to anyone or everyone

There are few things as valuable as knowing what clients want or how they are feeling. The difficulty is getting the information quickly, easily and when you need it.
- paper and pencil surveys involve endless transactions and can take forever.
- interviews by outside consultants are costly and time consuming.
- standardized tests are too long and do not answer your critical questions.
- excessive turn-around time for scoring and feedback blunts the usefulness of the data.

"the current status and future of staff groups" and,
"management values and practices"
Please participate in these surveys to learn the opinions of your colleagues and peers and to assess the relevance and usefulness of our survey expertise to you. After you submit each survey you will be able to compare your results with others who have already taken the survey. We will notify you to share our interpretation of the results and solicit whatever reactions you may have. Our plan is to create cost competitive survey products and services that:
- ask the questions you want to ask.
- focus on clients and other constituencies critical to your success.
- use the web as a means to gather data.
- provide both instantaneous and continuous scoring and results.
- provide relevant and timely follow-up help when needed.
- support both quantitative and qualitative questions.
- provide expertise for interpreting results.
- re-survey to check for change.